Trusted Toledo Attorneys Here For You In Difficult Times

Providing Skilled Legal Defense For Possession Charges And Other Drug Crimes

A small amount of drugs can have a big effect on your life. Most drug crimes are felonies, so a conviction often means jail or prison and an oppressive criminal record.

The criminal defense lawyers of Mahaffey & Associates, can confront these allegations to prevent a conviction or minimize the consequences. We handle drug offenses in the Toledo area and surrounding jurisdictions of northwest Ohio. Call us immediately at 419-741-0111 for a free phone consultation.

Drug Charges Can Be Challenged

We handle both misdemeanor and felony drug crimes, including:

  • Marijuana possession
  • Possession of cocaine, heroin or other drugs
  • Prescription drug offenses
  • Possession with intent to distribute
  • Drug trafficking

We have represented clients busted in sting operations, arrested while driving through Ohio or investigated on the basis of informants. Our attorneys know how to examine the evidence and police reports for opportunities to fight the charges. Was the underlying traffic stop legal? Did police conduct an illegal search or exceed the bounds of a search warrant? Did they charge everybody when they couldn’t pin it on one person?

Depending on the charges and your criminal history, you may qualify for diversion programs to avoid a drug conviction and the collateral consequences for employment or education. We are also prepared to fight the charges at trial when the alternatives are too harsh.

We Understand What You Have To Lose

Our Toledo drug charges attorney has obtained favorable outcomes for adults and juveniles. If you have been arrested or questioned in connection with drugs, contact us online or call 419-741-0111 for a free initial consultation. We have an office in Sylvania, and we accept all major credit cards.