Last year, over 4,000 Ohioans suffered fatal drug overdoses. While that was down almost 20% from 2023, it’s still a disturbingly high number. Many overdoses can be survivable if the victim gets emergency medical intervention. Unfortunately, too many people panic and...
There are many reasons why police officers may stop someone on suspicion of drunk driving. Someone swerving across the center line or onto the shoulder repeatedly might seem to be under the influence. Officers may also pull people over based on concerned phone calls...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has numerous enforcement tools at its disposal. When taxpayers fall behind on their financial obligations, the IRS may engage in aggressive efforts to collect on the past-due amount. Sometimes, the IRS intercepts a portion of a...
Filing for divorce is a difficult decision. People frequently pursue every alternative solution they can find before they decide to divorce. They might attend one-on-one counseling or couples therapy. They might attempt a sleep divorce where they move into separate...
Field sobriety tests are standard tools used by police to assess if someone is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. But these tests are not perfect, and neither are the humans administering them. Let's dive into why these tests have vulnerabilities and how...
Medical debt is one of the most common reasons people file for bankruptcy. U.S. health care costs reached $4.1 trillion in 2020, and today many individuals remain overwhelmed by medical bills. Nearly one in five households couldn't pay for medical care when needed,...
Numerous family considerations influence child support determinations. The income of each parent, the standard of living during the marriage and the division of parenting time can all influence how the courts divide financial responsibility between two adults. It is...
Emotions can run high during a divorce or custody dispute, and social media often becomes an outlet for those emotions. However, for adults and parents in Ohio navigating these challenging times, certain actions on social media can complicate legal proceedings and add...
Many parents struggle with the idea of sharing custody. The prospect of only having a limited amount of time with their children can be very upsetting for the typical parent. Particularly when the goal is to share parenting time as evenly as possible, the possibility...
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that roughly 25% of American businesses don't survive their first year. Those that make it past their first year face increasingly more daunting odds of success, reaching a 65% chance of failure after ten years. In Ohio,...