A Will Can Help You Prepare For The Future And Make Sense Of Financial, Health And Life Planning
Many people have the mistaken idea that only wealthy people need wills or estate plans. They may also think that making these critical arrangements will be too expensive or difficult.
Preparing a will does not have to be difficult or expensive. Regardless of how much wealth you have attained, or whether you are married or not, if you are an adult and especially if you have minor children, preparing a will is a responsible and smart thing to do. Employing the services of an experienced wills attorney at Mahaffey & Associates, can make the process that much simpler.
Why Do I Need A Will?
Dealing with death can be a tremendous source of emotional strain for the family members left behind. When a loved one passes away intestate without a will, that emotional strain on the family can become even worse. Who is going to pay the deceased’s final expenses? What assets need to be distributed and to whom?
To avoid burdening your loved ones with these kinds of complications, you should prepare a will and appoint an administrator who upon your death oversees the process of distributing your assets. Preparing a will can have many benefits, including:
- Minimizing stress on your loved ones
- Appointing your chosen guardian for your minor children
- Ensuring your final wishes will be carried out
The skilled attorneys at Mahaffey & Associates, will work with you to create a will and set up trusts or a transfer on death agreement, developing a complete estate plan that clearly defines your wishes, distributes your assets and communicates your health care decisions. They can also assist with a contested will.
What Is A Transfer On Death Agreement?
A transfer on death agreement (TOD) agreement is a legal agreement that allows you to transfer ownership of certain assets directly to your beneficiaries without the probate process (in most cases).
What Is A Contested Will?
A will is contested when its validity is challenged. Relatives and heirs can bring a lawsuit to challenge the validity of a will either before the probate process has begun or after it is underway.
Contact A Compassionate Toledo Wills Lawyer Today
Mahaffey & Associates, always wants to make sure you feel confident that you are in experienced legal hands when it comes to drawing up a will and creating an estate plan that ensures your heirs will not have to deal with the probate process. Call us today at 419-741-0111 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We serve the northwest Ohio area.