Helping You Put An End To Creditor Harassment
Mahaffey & Associates, represents clients throughout the Toledo area who are seeking debt relief through bankruptcy. One of the main concerns of our clients is the issue of creditor harassment. When money is owed, debt collectors are relentless. Our goal is to protect your interests when you are dealing with the stress of overwhelming debt. Let us help you explore your debt relief options.
Call us today for a free phone consultation and to learn more about your debt relief options.
How Bankruptcy Stops Harassment By Creditors
Individuals struggling with debt and unpaid bills are all too familiar with the various collection tactics used by creditors. Receiving frequent phone calls to your home phone and cellphone, getting letters in the mail, and dealing with other collection efforts can cause anyone to reach a breaking point.
If creditor harassment is beginning to take its toll on your emotional well-being, it may be time to consider bankruptcy as a debt relief option.
When you file bankruptcy, an automatic stay takes effect, which prohibits creditors from making any collection efforts against you. That means that creditors cannot call you or leave harassing messages on your voicemail. Without these distractions, you will be better able to focus on securing stable financial footing through bankruptcy.
Both Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy put an end to creditor harassment. Talk with a lawyer from our firm to learn what type of bankruptcy is right for you.
Contact A Toledo Bankruptcy Attorney
Mahaffey & Associates offers a free phone consultation to answer your questions about stopping creditor harassment through bankruptcy. We can then arrange to meet you at our convenient location in Sylvania, Ohio. Contact us online or call at 419-741-0111.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.