Trusted Toledo Attorneys Here For You In Difficult Times

Facing Criminal Charges In Toledo? You Need An Aggressive Defense Lawyer.

If you were arrested and charged with a crime, you are at the beginning of a stressful and potentially confusing process. You will be putting your future and possibly your freedom into the hands of an attorney.

When you choose Mahaffey & Associates to represent you, you will work with an experienced criminal defense lawyer who will fight for your constitutional rights and freedom. Call us at 419-741-0111 for a free phone consultation.

No Matter What The Crime Is, We Serve Toledo

Our attorneys have practiced criminal defense for years, serving the Toledo area and surrounding counties of northwest Ohio. We have defended adults and youth against a wide range of misdemeanor and felony charges:

We also handle expungement and sealing of old records of convictions and/or dismissals.

Our attorneys work in all courts of northwest Ohio and know the personalities and tendencies of local prosecutors and judges. Those insights are critical to making informed decisions in your defense.

What Is The Role Of A Criminal Defense Attorney?

At Mahaffey & Associates, our criminal defense attorneys understand that facing criminal charges can be an overwhelming and intimidating experience. The role of a criminal defense lawyer is multifaceted, serving not only as an advocate for the accused but also as a guide through the complex maze of the criminal justice system. We are responsible for defending the rights and interests of our clients by challenging the evidence presented, negotiating with prosecutors for lesser charges or reduced sentences and representing you in all court proceedings.

Working with a skilled criminal defense lawyer can make a huge difference in the outcome of your case. We will work tirelessly to ensure that we present your case as strongly as possible. Throughout your case, we will provide strategic advice and help you understand all of your legal options. With so much at stake, including your freedom and reputation, partnering with a seasoned defense lawyer from Mahaffey & Associates is a critical step in protecting your future.

Types Of Criminal Charges In Ohio

Broadly speaking, most criminal offenses in Ohio fall into three categories: felonies, misdemeanors and civil infractions. First-degree murder is a felony, for example, many minor crimes qualify as misdemeanors and a speeding ticket is simply a civil infraction.

The specific charge depends on the case details. For instance, domestic violence sometimes qualifies as a misdemeanor under Ohio law, but assault often qualifies as a felony. The possession of between 100 and 200 grams of cannabis products is a misdemeanor that could lead to 30 days behind bars. However, the possession of 200 to 1,000 grams of cannabis products is a felony charge that could result in a year in prison. Other serious drug crimes, such as drug distribution or trafficking, often qualify as felonies.

Our experienced attorneys can help you determine what level of criminal charge you are facing, how it is classified and what criminal defense options you have during a confidential consultation.

Impact Of A Criminal Conviction

A criminal conviction can impact your life in many ways. First of all, it could result in jail time and fines, depending on the nature of the infraction. Many violent crimes can lead to extensive time behind bars, while white collar crimes may lead to fines and other such penalties. Traffic violations often do not lead to jail terms but can have other serious ramifications, such as the loss of a driver’s license.

Serious convictions, such as a felony conviction that goes on your permanent record, can impact your employment opportunities. It may be harder to find a job, and it may be impossible to perform certain jobs. For instance, commercial drivers may find themselves out of work if they are convicted of DUI charges. Someone with a felony record may not be able to take certain jobs that require them to carry a firearm, as it would be illegal for them to possess a firearm after the conviction.

For juvenile crimes, part of the issue is that a conviction leading to a jail sentence can derail their educational career. Even after serving time, this can make it harder for them to find a career after release. This is one of the reasons many people reoffend. Their criminal records can make it harder to find employment, secure housing and access certain financial opportunities.

Some crimes also require a person to register on the sex offenders list, and their name will then appear on that list for the rest of their life. This can have a major impact on their personal and professional life.

The Importance Of Experience In Criminal Defense

Experience is critical during criminal defense proceedings. For many people, this is their first time navigating the court system, but an experienced attorney may have done it hundreds or even thousands of times. Our team can help you navigate the process by providing legal advice, attending hearings, submitting proper documentation, responding to court orders, presenting your case during the trial and more.

Experience is also crucial because an attorney can help you avoid making mistakes, such as accidentally incriminating yourself or missing deadlines.

On top of that, even if you are convicted on criminal charges, you may have the right to an appeal. Appeals generally focus on whether legal mistakes were made during the case or if the law was applied incorrectly. Our criminal defense law firm can help you recognize these potential legal mistakes so that you can file the proper appeal. Our experience enables us to know when this is necessary and what steps to take while seeking a favorable outcome.

Contact Us For Trusted Ohio Criminal Defense Guidance

Our attorneys will personally handle your case and explore avenues to beat the charges or lessen the consequences of a conviction. Contact us today for swift intervention and aggressive representation. You can also call us at 419-741-0111. Mahaffey & Associates is located in Sylvania, and we accept all major credit cards.