Last time, we talked about the dreaded Look Back Period. In the third part of our Hanukkah inspired Medicaid Planning series we are going to talk about nursing homes and quality of care. There is a myth out there that people who receive Medicaid can’t pick their...
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Medicaid Planning
8 Nights of Medicaid Planning, part 2
Today’s post in the Hanukkah inspired 8 nights of elder law talks about the dreaded “look back period”. The vast majority of the people the I meet with say, “I have heard about a “look back period”, but I need care now, so I can’t get benefits.” This is both true and...
8 Nights of Medicaid Planning
In honor of the start of Hanukkah, we’ve decided to dedicate eight entries over eight days to the most common myths about Medicaid and Medicaid Planning. Myth #1. “I have a “living trust” so my assets are protected.” This, I think, is one of if not the biggest myth in...
Why Medicaid eligibility may not translate into actual care
We can’t know what the future holds. We always hope for the best, but we must anticipate worst-case scenarios. Wise individuals do all they can to plan for such circumstances. This becomes even more significant an issue for those in Ohio who are in the upper ranks of...