Getting through college can be costly. You may have taken out personal loans, run up credit card debt and had federal aid as well. Many students come out of college owing tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars to their lenders. Bankruptcy is one...
Trusted Toledo Attorneys Here For You In Difficult Times
There are many reasons to consider Chapter 13 bankruptcy
No one wants to file for bankruptcy, but it’s nice to know the option is available to you should your finances take a turn for the worse. If you find yourself in this position, it’s important to learn more about every type of bankruptcy, including Chapter 13. While...
How do Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcy differ?
The choice of whether or not to file for bankruptcy is a major decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. However, when you’ve exhausted all other options for repaying your debts, filing for bankruptcy can provide you with the fresh start you need to get back on your...
Can massive student loan debt be discharged through bankruptcy?
One of the biggest myths in bankruptcy law is that student loan debt can never be discharged. While it is not common, getting rid of overwhelming student debt is not impossible. Student loans have always been eligible for bankruptcy proceedings, and before 1976, few...
Tips to help you recover after bankruptcy
The decision to file for bankruptcy will impact your finances now and in the future. To ensure stability down the road, it’s critical to devise and implement a recovery plan. Here are four tips to help you recover after your bankruptcy case comes to a close: Review...
Reasons to consider Chapter 7 bankruptcy
You hope that you never find yourself in a dire financial situation, but it could happen at some point in your life. There are many situations that can lead you to bankruptcy, such as a job loss, medical emergency or poor money management. Regardless of why you’re...
What can bankruptcy’s automatic stay protect you against?
Tired of fielding phone calls from creditors demanding that you immediately pay up? Filing for bankruptcy could potentially give you the break you desire. How? Once you file for bankruptcy, something called the “automatic stay” period takes effect. While temporary, it...
Ohio bankruptcy laws: What you should know
Filing bankruptcy is not a decision to take lightly. It means your debt is insurmountable and will not go away in continuing circumstances. When you decide you need to stop the collection calls and certified letters, bankruptcy may become the answer. The laws in Ohio...
Is your credit card debt unmanageable? Learn your options
You pull the mail out of the box, and there they are: the post-Christmas credit card bills. As much as you’d like to, you can’t put them in the shredder or hide them under the stack of papers on the kitchen table that you won’t unbury until about the same time the...
Can I keep my house in bankruptcy?
Many people in financial duress get behind on their mortgages. The question of whether or not you will be able to keep the home depends on where you fall on the timeline of mortgage delinquency and foreclosure. Delinquency of mortgage payments If you are a number of...