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Criminal defense on tap for 3 in Ohio after meth, heroin bust

On Behalf of | Sep 7, 2016 | Criminal Defense

A string of incidents recently occurred in Ohio that have led to several persons going to jail, and several others still being sought by authorities. The situation involved hundreds of thousands in cash, in addition to heroin and methamphetamine that law enforcement agents claim to have found during a search. In similar situations, defendants have often relied on aggressive and experienced criminal defense assistance.

Police say they believe the three people they are holding in jail have ties to a Mexican drug cartel. Supposedly, more than 80 pounds of methamphetamine and heroin were seized and at least $600,000 in cash. All three were indicted, along with five more who are still at large in connection with an investigation that lasted more than two years.

Charges against those indicted include racketeering, influencing a corrupt organization and other criminal offenses. Officers also seized an all-terrain vehicle, a house and at least seven other motor vehicles during their investigation. It is believed that some of the eight persons involved may be Mexican nationals, but such assumptions have not been confirmed.

When accused of serious crimes in Ohio, those accused must — of necessity — focus on their criminal defense. Fortunately, the law presumes their innocence, and no conviction is possible unless and until all elements of the crime charged are proved in court and beyond a reasonable doubt. Often, there are numerous options available to build a strong defense that may have a positive impact on the outcome of a particular situation. A defense attorney can investigate in order to gather information and evidence that may increase the chances of obtaining favorable results in court.

Source:, “Nearly 80 pounds of heroin, meth recovered in Miami County drug bust“, Jordan Bowen, Sept. 1, 2016